The Importance Of Undertone
If you have visited one of our Colour Me Beautiful stylists for a colour consultation, then you will have been told as part of your analysis, whether you have a Warm or a Cool undertone.
What are undertones?
Your undertone is the colour just below the surface of your skin and even if you have a tan, it doesn't change. Ensuring the colours you wear in both your clothes and make-up complement your undertone is essential as if you get it wrong it could cause your skin to look lacklustre, sallow or grey.
Determining your skin tone
A quick way to determine whether you have a Warm or Cool undertone is to look at the inside of your wrist. If your veins are blue/purple in natural light, you have a Cool undertone whilst those with a Warm undertone will have green/olive veins in natural light.
You could also compare the overall colour of the inside of your forearm with that of friends - as long as you don't all have the same colouring, you will notice some striking differences. This test is not an exact science though so its best to see an expert.
Would you like to find your best colours? Contact us for your own personal Colour Me Beautiful stylist to give you a definitive answer with a Colour Consultation or a Make-up Makeover.
Once you know your undertone you can use the guidelines in our newsletter here to help you select the best make-ups shades for your undertone....
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