Joy Kingan met with Eve Roth, image consultant at Savvy Style (www.savvystyle.com, 2522-2592) where she was given The Works, an all-encompassing session on colour, style, hair and makeup.
It was a very enjoyable and informative morning. I really liked Eve’s enthusiasm and her wealth of knowledge and experience. It helped me to see fashion, appearance and image in a way I hadn’t thought of before. I now know that with advance knowledge and organizing (she’s big into being organized and has a lot of practical tips), managing your image becomes something you can slip in to your busy life. So boosting your image and maintaining it becomes manageable. Now that I have the theory and practical tools, I can do a better job of looking after myself and make less fashion mistakes.
I really learned a lot about myself during the consultation. I learned about my style, what I like and feel comfortable in, and who I aspire to be, style-wise. This is quite a big thing for me because I have always deliberately avoided being style conscious. But my attitude towards personal style and image is evolving and I learned that I have good instincts, but could do a much better job if I just gave it a bit more effort. Eve advised me that I aspire to casual elegance and have a bit of a creative streak, which I thought was right on. I now know I shouldn’t wear black, and my full colour range is for softer and cooler shades. I have all my swatches and can make better choices now.
I will now be keeping a notebook of items to complete my outfits. I hate shopping and end up wandering aimlessly. Now, I will only go shopping when I need something and will be able to make much more use out of purchases because I will have planned what they will be for.
I feel a lot more motivated now. For anyone who feels they need or want to make changes this is a great way to go about it. I think you need to be ready for the process and be in the right frame of mind to make the best of it. Like I said, I was stubbornly anti-fashion for a while, but my views have changed. Personal style isn’t about following the latest trends, it’s much more than that and I’m starting to think about this now.
It was all a good experience and I especially enjoyed the chatting, and having my colours done with the fabric swatches. She also did a nice job of my make-up, which is something I’m hopeless at. She provided a complete rundown of steps on how to do it yourself.
I now have a better knowledge of how to achieve a more put-together look and I have also spent time thinking about why this is important to me. I am paying more attention to my image and I also have more respect for people who make an effort which I used to think was strictly a surface thing. My attitude is evolving and I know now image goes much deeper than your surface appearance.