My wife complains she has nothing to wear and that I don't understand - which I don't. My brother in Britain bought his wife a "Wardrobe Consultation". Does such a thing exist in Hong Kong and would it make a good Christmas gift?
Mr. Dapper: Now this is a matter I know something about. I bought one for my long-suffering wife a few years ago, and she was very pleased with it. However a man should never suggest his partner could or should improve her appearance. When asked how a piece of clothing looks on her, DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT. The correct response to say is she looks beautiful. So only give her a styling advise if she has expressly asked for it. Contact Savvy Style (, where package options include The Total Makeover, a Wardrobe Workout Consultation at home and a Colour Consultation. Perhaps you can present your wife with a generic coupon at Christmas, then allow her to fine tune the service later.