Eve Roth Lindsay got her start in New York where by the age of eight she began sewing and creating. In fact, all the members of the Rothstein family seem to have been blessed with a creative gene and a flair for innovation. (Eve’s father was world renowned photographer Arthur Rothstein and her mother, Grace, was a portrait photographer.)
In 1980, Eve left New York and relocated to Hong Kong as Director of Design for Allan Zeman’s fashion companies and she credits him for educating her in business. From there she continued to work for fashion industry giants growing and managing their retail lines and international appeal.
In 2001, she started her company, Savvy Style and began privately consulting with clients, on fashion and beauty advice, out of her home in Clearwater Bay; Savvy Style is now based in Central, Hong Kong and is the head office of Colour Me Beautiful HK.
Savvy Style gave her the opportunity to use to innate sense of style and fashion combined with her entrepreneurial skills. It has also allowed her to find work/ life balance that the high paced world of international fashion did not allow for.
Savvy Style offers a wide range of client services all designed at teaching people how to look their personal best. They give advice on image, fashion, style, colour and makeup. She utilizes the Colour Me Beautiful colour swatch system to give clients a take-home portfolio of their personal colours. Make-up and accessories are available for purchase in the studio, but not required and Eve won’t sell anything that she herself wouldn’t use.
Consultations appeal to a diverse group of clientele spanning genders, age ranges and professional industries. She and her team of experts have specifically tailored their advice for television presenters, corporate executives, lawyers, teachers, doctors, bankers, homemakers and university students. Each consultation is uniquely geared to focus on the individual’s needs.
Savvy Style offers a wide range of custom designed workshops and seminars catering to small or large groups. They can be arranged in the studio, in offices, schools or private homes.
Eve has made presentations to diverse groups ranging from pre-Bat Mitzvah classes to high powered banking industry leaders, from eighteen-year old young men to eighty-year old women. Often, she finds, that Savvy Style’s services appeal to people in a transitional period in their lives.
Eve always looks great a wants clients to walk away knowing how to make themselves look their best too. It is the first impression that often makes all the difference.
Style, she explains, is truly accessible to everyone. As the Hong Kong daily newspaper, South China Morning Post Young Post’s ‘Glamour Guru’, her weekly fashion advice is geared towards teenagers but read by all ages. She demonstrates her flexibility of moving from high-end clients to teenagers on budgets.
Looking good is not about having the most exclusive fashion items or the perfect body and perfect features. It is about discovering who you are, what image you want to portray and what colours and styles most suit your body type, your skin tones and hair colour, your age group and your lifestyle. It is about learning basic rules and how to apply them on your own.
Eve is not only about fashion rules. She has a strong set of ‘rules’ that she lives by. Her ‘Jewish’ values have guided her to teach her daughters Asia and Jasmine the value of education and the importance of giving back. Eve, her husband David and their daughters are all heavily involved community service and social action projects.
She has been involved in a number of organizations and causes in the greater Hong Kong community, including serving as a Director of the Women Business Owners Club. She is also involved with the Endometriosis Association and is looking to set up a local branch of this organization.
It is Eve’s style to keep busy and she has plans to write her own ‘How to Guide’ in the future. She believes in her product and loves what she does. She is certain that everyone can uncover a Savvy Style of their own.